Tuesday, November 2, 2010

DNA Testing

DNA testing has increased in popularity in the recent years in the fields of criminology, biomedicine, biotechnology and family law. This is because with DNA testing, it is possible to find out any biological lineage and genealogical links and thereby help in settling disputes that arise between family members on estate issues. With the help of DNA testing, it is also possible to solve crimes by identifying criminals by testing evidences found in the scene of crime. All that is needed to do a DNA test is a single strand of hair or some blood, semen, saliva or other biological material

With the help of DNA testing, it is possible to find out if two people are related. This is because DNA testing proves how much related these people are, and if two people having the same surname are related. DNA testing can also find out if two descendants hail from the same ancestor. To prove your ancestry, you have to have some biological specimen of the ancestor like hair, buccal cells, saliva, blood or semen which will be compared with your biological specimen.

You can also find out your ethnic origins with the help of DNA testing. People who have migrated to some other place for many years can find out their roots in their parents country with DNA testing. With DNA testing, all court disputes over land and estate, children custody and writing of wills can be settled. This is because DNA testing can prove the relationship between two or more people.

One major application of DNA testing is in forensic identification. DNA test results are much clearer than fingerprints and it is with these results and proof that it is possible to find criminals. Cases of rape can be solved by testing semen, skin scrapings or the hair of the suspect that may be found in the fingernails of the victim.

So it can be seen that DNA testing is sort of a boon to mankind. With the help of DNA testing, the innocent is acquitted while the guilty is charged. Relations and ancestry are determined while parentage and children’s’ custody all are justified with DNA testing.

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